UN Talks

Accounting Approaches Under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement

The Paris Agreement sets out a framework for all countries to decide on their nationally determined contributions (NDCs) and subsequently demonstrate they have implemented them. Article 6 of the Paris Agreement recognizes that countries may collaborate in implementing their respective …

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The Paris Agreement
Flying High: International Air Travel and Climate Change

This article first appeared as the cover story of the Winter 2018 edition of the “American Bar Association Section of International Law International Law News.” Global air traffic is on pace for tremendous growth. The world needs to prepare for …

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General Issues in Elaborating the Paris Agreement

The Paris Agreement establishes a new multilateral architecture guiding countries’ climate change efforts under the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Parties are currently negotiating more detailed rules and procedures for implementing the agreement, including provisions addressing transparency, accounting, …

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Accounting for Bottom-Up Trading Under the Paris Agreement

Article 6 of the Paris Agreement recognizes that countries may engage in different forms of international cooperation to achieve climate goals, and prescribes broad conditions for such cooperation if it is to count toward achievement of parties’ nationally determined contributions …

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Blog Post
Talanoa Dialogue: Building Trust and Informing Climate Action
Outcomes of the U.N. Climate Change Conference in Bonn

In the most significant test of the Paris Agreement since the United States announced its intent to withdraw, the U.N. climate talks in Bonn, Germany, made progress on the Paris “rulebook” to be adopted next year, but renewed clashes over …

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COP 23 Bonn
Elaborating the Paris Agreement: Implementation and Compliance

Article 15 of the Paris Agreement establishes a mechanism to facilitate implementation of and promote compliance with the provisions of the Paris Agreement. Along with the global stocktake and the transparency framework, this mechanism provides a means of assessing and …

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Elaborating the Paris Agreement: Information and Accounting

The Paris Agreement’s provisions on mitigation-related information and accounting are intended to promote transparency and environmental integrity, and play a central role in the regime’s architecture. They contain two basic elements: first, general obligations on parties, and second, authorizations to …

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