
Business Models for Financially Sustainable EV Charging Networks

In May 2014, the Washington State Legislature’s Joint Transportation Committee commissioned a study to develop new business models that will foster private sector commercialization of publicly available EV charging services and expand the role of private sector investment in EV …

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Public policy, private investment needed to keep EV market growing in 2015
Blog Post
Low gas prices tempt consumers to buy gas guzzlers, but they should resist
Blog Post
Clean energy banks could foster private investment in charging stations
The Role of Clean Energy Banks in Increasing Private Investment in Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

This paper explores how Clean Energy Banks, or other similar organizations aimed at leveraging public funds to attract private investment in clean energy deployment, could help reduce the barriers to EV charging infrastructure by (1) supporting the development of viable business models for charging services …

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Assessing the Electric Vehicle Charging Network in Washington State

The Washington State Legislature is interested in exploring government’s role in fostering new business models that will expand the private sector commercialization of electric vehicle (EV) charging services. This paper provides an assessment of the existing EV publicly available charging …

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Firsthand lessons on public charging for EVs
Clean Cities Webinar
Blog Post
Energy efficiency financing models for buildings could work for natural gas vehicles
Applying the Energy Service Company Model to Advance Deployment of Fleet Natural Gas Vehicles and Fueling Infrastructure

This paper explores the opportunity for using ESCO-style service contracts to advance investment in natural gas vehicles by fleets. Starting with a brief overview of the ESCO market, this paper explains how ESCOs reduce barriers faced by energy efficiency and …

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