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Practical Energy Solutions
Give green-car industry a chance to get up to speed

Letter to the Editor The Washington Post Published December 14, 2011 The Dec. 8 front-page article “Obama’s green-car push struggles to pass ‘go’?” missed the mark with respect to the emerging electric vehicle industry. The plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) market …

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The Nuts and Bolts of the New CAFE and GHG Vehicle Standards
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Landmark New Vehicle Standards Set a Strong Path to the Future
Plug-in Electric Vehicles Market: State of Play

Nearly all major auto companies—as well as several new start-ups—plan to produce plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) within the next 2 or 3 years. According to transportation experts, the impact of the growing PEV market on the automobile market, electrical grid, …

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Plug-in Electric Vehicles: Literature Review

This paper reviews the current literature on plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) with a focus on issues and solutions related to vehicle deployment and integration with the U.S. electrical grid. It is a companion to the Center’s “Plug-in Electric Vehicles Market: …

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Saving Oil and Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions through U.S. Federal Transportation Policy

The United States consumes over 10 million barrels of oil per day moving people and goods on roads and rail throughout the country. Surface transportation generates over 23 percent of U.S. anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Transportation is the primary …

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Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from U.S. Transportation

This report examines the prospects for substantially reducing the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the U.S. transportation sector, which accounts for 27 percent of the GHG emissions of the entire U.S. economy and 30 percent of the world’s transportation GHG …

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Coverage of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Petroleum Use under Climate Policy

The petroleum sector, which includes the production, import, processing, transportation, and distribution of crude oil and refined products such as gasoline, heating oil, diesel, propane, and jet fuel, is a significant source of U.S. greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Recent GHG …

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Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Aviation and Marine Transportation: Mitigation Potential and Policies

Combined, aviation and marine transportation are responsible for approximately 5 percent of total greenhouse (GHG) emissions in the United States and 3 percent globally and are among the fastest growing modes in the transportation sector. Controlling the growth in these …

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