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Building on the climate successes of 2015
Recommendations for Maryland’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan

Amid the more well-known national-level activity, U.S. states are demonstrating serious climate action. In the past 15 years, 18 states have set greenhouse gas emission reduction targets through legislation or executive orders. Efforts in some of these states have faded …

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Maryland’s Post-2020 Greenhouse Gas Reduction Target Setting

Maryland’s target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 25 percent from 2006 levels by 2020 is ambitious and has put it in the company of leading states. As 2020 nears, it is becoming increasingly clear that Maryland will likely achieve this …

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A Summary of American Climate Prospectus: Impacts for Maryland

In this paper, we summarize the information about the costs of climate impacts in the American Climate Prospectus that are specific to the state of Maryland. The impacts examined include: increases in heatrelated mortality, increases in the amount of coastal …

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Climate Change: The Cost of Inaction for Maryland’s Economy

The American Climate Prospectus addressed several key climate impacts over the coming century, including increases in heat-related mortality, increases in the amount of coastal property exposed to flooding, declines in labor productivity, increases in energy expenditures, and declines in agricultural …

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Maryland: Climate Change is Here and Now

Today we are already experiencing the types of impacts, which are expected to become more intense and occur more frequently as a result of climate change. In the past two years, Maryland has experienced floods, excessive heat and drought leading …

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