
Solutions Forum Webinar: Financing Climate Resilience – What Are Our Options?
Blog Post
Collaborating on climate resilience in Anchorage
Key Insights on Collaboration for a Resilient Anchorage

C2ES held a two-day Solutions Forum workshop in March 2016 in Anchorage, Alaska, focusing on opportunities for collaboration in building a climate-resilient Anchorage. About 50 business leaders, city, state, federal and tribal officials, nonprofit organizations, and other experts shared their …

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Collaboration for Climate Resilience in Stamford, Connecticut

The city of Stamford, Connecticut, is a corporate hub with more than 125,000 residents, the third largest city in the state. As a coastal city, Stamford is vulnerable to threats of climate change, extreme weather, and natural disasters, making it …

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Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s Approach to Addressing Climate Risks

Based in San Francisco, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) provides natural gas and electric service to nearly 16 million people throughout Northern and Central California. PG&E’s service area includes diverse communities from the coast to oil-producing regions around Bakersfield …

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Live Event
Defining and Measuring Success When Planning for Resilience
Key Insights on Business State and City Collaboration for Climate Resilience

C2ES held a Solutions Forum workshop focusing on opportunities for collaboration on climate resilience in November 2015 in Detroit, Michigan. More than 40 business leaders, state and city officials, non-profit organizations, and other experts shared their experiences addressing climate change …

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Collaboration for Strengthening Climate Resilience in Detroit

Detroit is projected to experience higher temperatures, more frequent and intense precipitation events, and fluctuating lake levels. These changes will pose various challenges to the city, threatening homes, infrastructure, and human health and safety. Various groups have taken steps to …

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Blog Post
Are businesses prepared for climate impacts?
Weathering the Next Storm: A Closer Look at Business Resilience, Executive Summary

Increased extreme weather and climate-related impacts are imposing significant costs on society and on companies. While businesses are increasingly taking steps to assess risks and prepare for future climate changes, many companies face internal and external challenges that hinder efforts …

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