
Resilience Strategies for Extreme Heat

Climate change is contributing to more frequent, severe, and longer heat waves during summer months across the United Sates. The number of heatwaves observed in 2011 and 2012 were triple the long-term average, and require planning for economic, health and …

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C2ES Comments on the Grid Reliability and Resilience Pricing Proposed Rule

C2ES submitted comments to the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) recommending that FERC consider establishing a process to allow for more stakeholder input on the concept of resilience in power markets, including three technical conferences to: (1) establish key …

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State Action on Resilience
Federal Resilience Policy
Webinar: Using Climate Data in the Real World
Turning disaster into an opportunity for flood resilience
Blog Post
Harvey’s lessons for flood insurance and resilience
Blog Post
US companies, communities rely on federal climate science
Blog Post
Why clean innovation makes business sense
Blog Post
New research highlights flood risks from sea-level rise