
Fixing A Broken National Flood Insurance Program: Risks And Potential Reforms

The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) insures 5.6 million American homeowners and some $1 trillion in assets. For many years, however, the premiums collected have not been sufficient to cover losses, resulting in a current debt to the U.S. Treasury …

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Impacts and Adaptation Options in the Gulf Coast

Introduction The central and western U.S. Gulf Coast is increasingly vulnerable to a range of potential hazards associated with climate change. Hurricanes are high-profile hazards that threaten this region with strong winds, heavy rain, storm surge and high waves. Sea-level rise is a longer-term hazard …

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Cold Snaps and Snowstorms: Evidence of Global Weirding?
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2012: 4th Warmest Winter for U.S.
Climate Change Adaptation: What Federal Agencies are Doing

There is a growing consensus that regardless of our efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, significant climate change is unavoidable. Although climate mitigation remains critical, we must also be thinking about and planning for ways to limit the adverse impacts …

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Degrees of Risk: Defining a Risk Management Framework for Climate Security

There is a growing consensus in the security community that climate change presents significant risks to the delivery of national, regional and global security goals. Through sea level rise, shortages of food and water and severe weather events, climate change …

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Adapting to Climate Change: A Call for Federal Leadership

This report highlights the important role of the federal government in reducing the vulnerability and strengthening the resiliency of our economy and natural resources in the face of these changes. In addition to managing a significant amount of land and …

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Adaptation Planning: What U.S. States and Localities are Doing

While governments act to mitigate future climate change, they must also plan and act to address the impacts. Adaptation will require creativity, compromise, and collaboration across agencies, sectors and traditional geographic boundaries. This paper focuses on adaptation plans and actions …

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Adapting to Climate Change: A New Frontier for Business

The past several years have seen a steady transformation of business attitudes and behavior on climate change. Faced with the prospect of new regulations, increased pressure from shareholders and changing consumer demands, many companies are developing comprehensive corporate strategies to …

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Adapting to Climate Change: A Business Approach

This report outlines a sensible business approach to analyzing and adapting to the physical risks of climate change. It focuses on a critical first step in assessing these climate impacts: understanding the potential risks to business and the importance of …

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