
Weathering the Next Storm: A Closer Look at Business Resilience

As we saw once again in 2014—the warmest year globally on record—increases in extreme weather and other climate-related impacts are imposing significant costs on society. Even as governments, companies and communities strengthen efforts to reduce emissions contributing to climate change, …

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Weathering the Next Storm: A Closer Look at Business Resilience Infographic

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Weathering the Next Storm: A Closer Look at Business Resilience
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Countries should assess climate risk the way they assess other security risks
Addressing Adaptation in a 2015 Climate Agreement

With the adverse effects of climate change becoming more frequent and intense, all countries face increasing climate risks and adaptation needs. The negotiations toward a new climate agreement in 2015 present an unparalleled opportunity to elevate and advance climate adaptation …

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Companies are planning for climate risks
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C2ES Events in Lima
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Climate Resilience Toolkit is important resource
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Risky Business report shows need to act on climate change
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Climate change poses national security risks at home and abroad