U.S. State Climate Action Plans
Forty-eight states and the District of Columbia have developed either a state climate action plan, a Priority Climate Action Plan (under the EPA’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grants program), or both. 32 states and the District of Columbia have released a …
Blog Post
New Leadership Principles Set a Guiding Compass for Corporate Climate Resilience Pathways Initiative
Working Principles for Corporate Climate Resilience Leadership
As part of a new initiative to catalyze corporate climate resilience leadership, C2ES, Resilience Rising, and Resilience First, have engaged cross-sector stakeholders—including businesses, NGOs, and resilience-focused organizations—to develop guiding principles that reflect how companies can demonstrate leadership in advancing resilience …
Climate Resilience Pathways: Catalyzing Private Sector Action
Businesses’ ability to adapt to climate change is a strategic imperative. Yet, despite the growing need to manage and respond to climate risks, a staggering 80% of companies lack a comprehensive plan for climate adaptation. This gap is a call …