Paris Agreement

In Brief: Legal Options for U.S. Acceptance of a New Climate Change Agreement

U.S. acceptance of the new climate agreement being negotiated under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) may or may not require legislative approval, depending on its contents. U.S. law recognizes several routes for entering into international legal …

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Legal Options for U.S. Acceptance of a New Climate Change Agreement

The success of ongoing negotiations to establish a new global climate change agreement depends heavily on the agreement’s acceptance by the world’s major economies, including the United States. The new agreement is being negotiated under the United Nations Framework Convention …

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The Path to Paris: National Perspectives on a New Global Climate Agreement
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The core issues in the Paris climate talks
Alternative Models for the 2015 Climate Change Agreement

Fridtjof Nansen Institute Climate Policy Perspectives 13 October 2014 A primary goal of the Durban Platform negotiations should be to develop an agreement that will maximize reductions in greenhouse gas emissions over time. Achieving this objective will be a function …

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Building Flexibility and Ambition into a 2015 Climate Agreement

This paper explores options for a hybrid approach in the 2015 agreement, focusing in particular on mitigation efforts, rather than the broader array of issues under consideration in the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform (ADP), such as …

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