Australia’s Carbon Pricing Mechanism
Summary Australia’s Clean Energy Future plan is a comprehensive set of national policies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and driving investments in clean energy. At its core is a carbon pricing mechanism starting in July 2012 and covering approximately …
Energy and Climate Goals of China’s 12th Five-Year Plan
The 12th Five-Year Plan (FYP) adopted by the Chinese government in March 2011 devotes considerable attention to energy and climate change and establishes a new set of targets and policies for 2011-2015.[1] While some of the targets are largely in …
A Roadmap for U.S.-China Cooperation on Energy and Climate Change
This report presents a vision and a concrete roadmap for U.S.-China collaboration focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions to mitigate the effects of climate change. The report was produced in partnership between the Pew Center on Global Climate Change and …
Climate Change Mitigation Measures in India
India is the world’s fourth largest economy and fifth largest greenhouse gas (GHG) emitter, accounting for about 5% of global emissions. India’s emissions increased 65% between 1990 and 2005 and are projected to grow another 70% by 2020. On a …
China’s Strategic Priorities in International Climate Change Negotiations
Originally appeared in The Washington Quarterly, Winter 2007-08 China’s role in an international climate change solution cannot be overstated. Now likely the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases, China has become the focus of scrutiny as climate change has …
Climate Change Mitigation Measures in the People’s Republic of China
China’s emissions are increasing rapidly with strong economic growth and rising energy demand. Emissions have grown by about 80% since 1990, driven heavily by increased consumption of electricity generated from coal. Much of China’s projected emissions growth will come from coal-fired …
International Climate Efforts Beyond 2012: A Survey of Approaches
With the prospect of new climate negotiations starting in 2005, experts, stakeholders, and governments have begun to assess a range of options for advancing the international climate change effort beyond 2012. This paper offers a broad survey of alternative approaches …
The European Union & Global Climate Change: A Review of Five National Programmes
As we approach the third anniversary of the Kyoto Protocol and continue working to address the questions raised but not answered in the agreement, entry into force is increasingly the subject of climate change discussions. European Union (EU) countries have …
Developing Countries & Global Climate Change: Electric Power Options in China
With annual releases of over 918 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, the People’s Republic of China takes center stage among developing countries in the climate change debate. If China could achieve significant emission reductions from the …