
Blog Post
Summer in March?
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Cold Snaps and Snowstorms: Evidence of Global Weirding?
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2012: 4th Warmest Winter for U.S.
Extreme Weather and Climate Change: Understanding the Link and Managing the Risk

Thousands of record-breaking weather events worldwide bolster long-term trends of increasing heat waves, heavy precipitation, droughts and wildfires. A combination of observed trends, theoretical understanding of the climate system, and numerical modeling demonstrates that global warming is increasing the risk …

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Extreme Weather in 2011
Live Event
Drowning and Drought: Extreme Weather Impacts on our Economy and Society
Climate Change 101: Understanding and Responding to Global Climate Change

The Climate Change 101 series provides a reliable and understandable introduction to global climate change, giving policy makers the basic information they need as they face decisions about climate policy. The new 2011 edition incorporates the most recent information on …

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Workshop Proceedings: Assessing the Benefits of Avoided Climate Change: Cost-Benefit Analysis and Beyond

Based on decades of research by the scientific community, there is now wide recognition that emissions of greenhouse gases are changing our climate and that the future impacts from such changes will largely be harmful. In response, policymakers across the …

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Ocean Acidification

Since the Industrial Revolution, the acidity of the world’s oceans has increased significantly. This change is entirely the result of human activities. About one third of all the carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted by human activities has been absorbed by the …

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National Security Implications of Global Climate Change

Recently, respected voices in the U.S. national security community—general officers, CIA analysts, high-level Pentagon officials—have warned that global climate change threatens American security. The security implications of climate change can be parsed into three broad categories: The changing foreign policy landscape …

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