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This winter was cold for some, not for all
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Why we shouldn’t throw out flood insurance reform
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Four ways climate change is transforming our winters
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Research affirms climate impacts are already here
Webinar: Building Business Resilience to Climate Change: The Hartford
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Coping with coastal flood risk
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Recapping a year of weather extremes
Climate Change and Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane Sandy is a stark reminder of the rising risks of climate change. A number of warming-related factors may well have intensified the storm’s impact. Higher ocean temperatures contributed to heavier rainfall. Higher sea levels produced stronger storm surges. New …

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Fixing A Broken National Flood Insurance Program: Risks And Potential Reforms

The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) insures 5.6 million American homeowners and some $1 trillion in assets. For many years, however, the premiums collected have not been sufficient to cover losses, resulting in a current debt to the U.S. Treasury …

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Impacts and Adaptation Options in the Gulf Coast

Introduction The central and western U.S. Gulf Coast is increasingly vulnerable to a range of potential hazards associated with climate change. Hurricanes are high-profile hazards that threaten this region with strong winds, heavy rain, storm surge and high waves. Sea-level rise is a longer-term hazard …

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