
Alternative Fuel Vehicle & Fueling Infrastructure Deployment Barriers & the Potential Role of Private Sector Financial Solutions

This paper examines how private financing can address the barriers to demand facing electric, natural gas, and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and their related fueling infrastructure. Starting with a review of the state of the market, it covers significant barriers …

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States look to “green banks” to leverage private investment in clean tech
Blog Post
Why we shouldn’t throw out flood insurance reform
Blog Post
Private finance can break down barriers in AFV market
On-Bill Financing: Encouraging Energy Efficiency

Buildings account for 41 percent of the United States’ primary energy consumption. One generally cost-effective way to decrease buildings’ energy consumption is by improving building efficiency. However, the high up-front cost of efficiency improvements is often a barrier. To address …

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Strengthening International Climate Finance

With climate finance needs in developing countries projected to grow significantly in coming decades, governments are considering steps under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to strengthen international climate finance. Key steps include: establishing a new multilateral climate …

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