Extreme Weather

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Get outside the beltway to change the climate debate
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Recapping a year of weather extremes
Climate Change and Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane Sandy is a stark reminder of the rising risks of climate change. A number of warming-related factors may well have intensified the storm’s impact. Higher ocean temperatures contributed to heavier rainfall. Higher sea levels produced stronger storm surges. New …

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Summer in March?
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Cold Snaps and Snowstorms: Evidence of Global Weirding?
Blog Post
2012: 4th Warmest Winter for U.S.
Extreme Weather and Climate Change: Understanding the Link and Managing the Risk

Thousands of record-breaking weather events worldwide bolster long-term trends of increasing heat waves, heavy precipitation, droughts and wildfires. A combination of observed trends, theoretical understanding of the climate system, and numerical modeling demonstrates that global warming is increasing the risk …

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Blog Post
Extreme Weather in 2011
A Climate of Extreme Weather Events

Much of the discussion of climate change focuses on slow changes in average temperatures and precipitation over time. But this focus masks the larger changes in weather variability and extreme weather events that will accompany modest changes in averages. Damages …

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