
Developing Countries & Global Climate Change: Electric Power Options in China

With annual releases of over 918 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, the People’s Republic of China takes center stage among developing countries in the climate change debate. If China could achieve significant emission reductions from the …

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Developing Countries & Global Climate Change: Electric Power Options in India

The electric power sector in India is characterized by low per capita energy use, rapid growth in demand, heavy losses in transmission and distribution, and tariffs well below average costs. Coal dominates usage, which combined with hydropower represents 85 percent …

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Developing Countries & Global Climate Change: Electric Power Options in Korea

The Republic of Korea straddles the line between developed and developing countries. Power demand is expanding rapidly – a “business-as-usual” path doubles consumption by 2015 – and the economy is driven largely by basic, energy-intensive industries. In addition, Korea imports …

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Developing Countries & Global Climate Change: Electric Power Options for Growth

  Foreword Understanding the possibilities for greenhouse gas emission reductions in developing countriescan inform the debate over long-term equitable commitments and global participation in a climate change regime. This study investigates policy and technology choices in the electric power sector …

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