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The interdependence of water and energy
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Using Captured Carbon Dioxide for Enhanced Oil Recovery
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Incentive to capture carbon emissions would spur needed technology
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Maintaining U.S. nuclear power helps meet our climate goals
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Meeting our energy needs
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Information technology and sustainability
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Headwinds for coal
Claussen and Farrell: Natural gas can benefit the economy and the climate

Richmond Times Dispatch Op-ed by Eileen Claussen and Tom Farrell America’s newly abundant natural gas supplies offer the opportunity to address two goals at once — increasing the amount of affordable, reliable energy powering the world economy, and making progress …

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Leveraging Natural Gas to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Recent technological advances have unleashed a boom in U.S. natural gas production, with expanded supplies and substantially lower prices projected well into the future. Because combusting natural gas yields fewer greenhouse gas emissions than coal or petroleum, the expanded use …

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Party like it’s 1994