
The Paris Agreement Presents a Flexible Approach for U.S. Climate Policy

This article first appeared in Volume 11, Number 4 of the Carbon and Climate Law Review. The Paris Agreement was specifically designed to provide sovereign nations with the flexibility they need to craft their own greenhouse gas reduction plans. The …

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With a Policy Assist, ‘Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now’
Live Event
Zero-Carbon Power: Maintaining U.S. Nuclear Capacity
Blog Post
City, State, Business Leaders Energized for Climate Action
Legal Considerations for Corporate Climate Scenario Analysis
Blog Post
2018 Will Belong to ‘The Climate Doers’
Opportunities for American Leadership

This article first appeared in the Women’s Council on Energy & the Environment journal, The Current, 2017 Q2 edition. Read the original post here. Leaders of both parties agree that we need to invest in American infrastructure, in part to …

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Storing CO2 Emissions: Untapped Potential for Carbon Utilization

The following was published Dec. 4, 2017 in R&D Magazine. Read the original post here. Looking toward the second half of this century, innovative ways to achieve net zero carbon emissions will be needed to stave off the worst impacts …

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Cities flex their muscles to improve existing commercial buildings
Blog Post
Models tell us Clean Power Plan will cut emissions at low cost