
Blog Post
US climate target encourages others to put best foot forward
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Good progress on Climate Action Plan, but further to go
Scenarios for U.S. Electricity in 2030

Affordable reliable electricity is a central pillar of modern life. At the same time, the generation of electricity is responsible for nearly 40 percent of U.S. carbon dioxide emissions. Advances in technology and environmental policy are driving enormous change in …

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Meeting our energy needs
Climate change: A patchwork of emissions cuts

Read Elliot Diringer’s article in Nature on the potential path forward for international climate talks. Below is a brief summary. With the failure in recent years of international attempts to deliver a binding treaty on emissions reductions, individual countries are …

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Lifecycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Different Light-Duty Vehicle and Fuel Pathways: A Synthesis of Recent Research

Transitioning to a cleaner fleet of advanced vehicles powered by electricity, hydrogen, and advanced biofuels or petroleum products can yield a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and petroleum consumption. A meaningful assessment of the comparative merits of these alternate …

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Leveraging the natural gas boom to cut carbon
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Small steps now, or big solutions? Both.
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Party like it’s 1994
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Not yet on track to 17 percent reduction