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One small step for Congress
Blog Post
GCAS sheds light on power purchase agreements
Buying Clean Electricity: How Cities Benefit from Power Purchase Agreements

A growing number of cities are pursuing actions to reduce their carbon footprint. One of the most straightforward ways to do this is by reducing the carbon intensity of electricity, and as a result, cities are expressing increasing interest in …

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Resilience Strategies for Power Outages

A warming atmosphere is giving extra energy to storms, making the hurricanes, tornadoes, and thunderstorms of today more intense than those of the past. This trend is projected to accelerate in the years to come. These stronger storms are more …

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Progress in Deploying Advanced Clean Energy Technology
Live Event
Zero-Carbon Power: Maintaining U.S. Nuclear Capacity
C2ES Comments on Grid Resilience

C2ES comments on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s evaluation of the resilience of the bulk power system in regions operated by regional transmission organizations and independent system operators.

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Blog Post
Climate Leadership Lessons: “This is Good Business”
Policy Options for Climate-Resilient Infrastructure

A new federal infrastructure package presents a critical opportunity to strengthen America’s infrastructure against the growing risks posed by extreme weather and other impacts of climate change. Enhancing the climate resilience of the nation’s infrastructure can substantially reduce future losses, …

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Electric Energy Storage