
Blog Post
Continuing to lead by example on federal sustainability
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My carbon footprint was larger than I thought — Here’s what I did about it
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Information technology and sustainability
On-Bill Financing: Encouraging Energy Efficiency

Buildings account for 41 percent of the United States’ primary energy consumption. One generally cost-effective way to decrease buildings’ energy consumption is by improving building efficiency. However, the high up-front cost of efficiency improvements is often a barrier. To address …

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Leading by Example 2.0: How Information and Communication Technologies Help Achieve Federal Sustainability Goals

By any measure, the federal government has an enormous impact on the economy and the environment. Federal agencies: Own or operate 660,000 vehicles; Own or manage approximately 400,000 buildings; and Employ 1.8 million workers. The federal government also paid over …

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Leading by Example: Using Information and Communication Technologies to Achieve Federal Sustainability Goals

As the nation’s largest landlord, fleet operator, and purchaser of goods and services, the federal government has the opportunity, if not the responsibility, to lead by example in moving our country in a more sustainable direction. Recent initiatives across the …

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Time for Some Action on PEVs
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The Dawn of a New Day for Autos
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Practical Energy Solutions
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The Role of Constraints in Low-Carbon Innovation