
Federal Action on Climate
Congress and Climate Change
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Bipartisan support grows for carbon capture
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Incentive to capture carbon emissions would spur needed technology
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Climate change bills in the 113th Congress
Fixing A Broken National Flood Insurance Program: Risks And Potential Reforms

The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) insures 5.6 million American homeowners and some $1 trillion in assets. For many years, however, the premiums collected have not been sufficient to cover losses, resulting in a current debt to the U.S. Treasury …

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Summary of the Clean Energy Standard Act of 2012 (S.2146)

This document summarizes the Clean Energy Standard Act of 2012 of the 112th Congress, as introduced by Senator Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) on March 1, 2012. Sec. 1. Short Title. This Act may be cited as the “Clean Energy Standard Act …

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Short Summary of the American Power Act (Kerry-Lieberman)

On May 12, 2010, Senator Kerry (D-MA) and Senator Lieberman (I-CT) released their draft legislation, the American Power Act (APA). This bill contains a comprehensive, sector-based approach to enhancing energy security, spurring the development and deployment of clean energy technologies, …

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Adapting to Climate Change: A Call for Federal Leadership

This report highlights the important role of the federal government in reducing the vulnerability and strengthening the resiliency of our economy and natural resources in the face of these changes. In addition to managing a significant amount of land and …

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Economic Insights from Modeling Analyses of the American Clean Energy and Security Act

Economic models are an important tool for evaluating the potential impact of proposed legislation on our economy. This brief compares modeling analyses of the House-passed clean energy and climate bill (H.R. 2454) conducted by seven different groups including government agencies, …

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