
Blog Post
Select Committee wisely eyes climate resilience investments
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Congress’ boldest climate plan ever
Clean Energy and Climate Innovation: Opportunities for Bipartisan Progress
C2ES Response to the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis Request for Information

This document constitutes the comments of the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES) on the request for information to help guide the House Select Committee on Climate Crisis to “investigate, study, make findings, and develop recommendations on policies, strategies, …

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C2ES Response to the House Energy & Commerce Committee Request for Input

This document constitutes the comments of the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES) on the request for input to help guide the House Committee on Energy and Commerce’s plan to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. C2ES is an independent, …

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Finding our North Star: Congressional carbon-pricing proposals
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A fresh start on climate solutions
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Why I see hope for climate action in Washington
Carbon Pricing Proposals in the 115th Congress

Carbon pricing offers a cost-effective way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Ten states are already pricing carbon, and a number of states are considering similar action. This fact sheet summarizes and compares nine carbon pricing proposals introduced in the 115th …

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Opportunities for American Leadership

This article first appeared in the Women’s Council on Energy & the Environment journal, The Current, 2017 Q2 edition. Read the original post here. Leaders of both parties agree that we need to invest in American infrastructure, in part to …

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