Clean Energy

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How states can best promote clean power
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EPA’s Clean Power Plan puts states in the driver’s seat
Key Insights from a Solutions Forum on Innovative Finance and Clean Power

A C2ES Solutions Forum held on June 25, 2015, brought together state and business leaders to discuss how financial tools can spur investment in clean energy and efficiency. These leaders provided key insights into how existing financing mechanisms can be …

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Options for Mobilizing Clean Energy Finance

Clean energy and energy efficiency technologies are decreasing in cost and demonstrating their reliability as they are deployed around the world. Financial institutions are becoming increasingly willing to offer traditional financial structures and terms for clean energy projects. At the …

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Blog Post
Canadian hydropower can help states achieve carbon-cutting goals
Blog Post
States should explore carbon pricing to encourage clean power
Blog Post
Power can be both clean and reliable
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Don’t toss out the good electricity with the bad
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Incentive to capture carbon emissions would spur needed technology
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Natural gas power plant with CCS is a positive step for the climate