Clean Energy

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Decoupling economic growth from carbon emissions
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We need states to show clean energy leadership
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States, cities, companies support clean power
Powering Phoenix: City and Business Collaboration on Clean Energy

The City of Phoenix has developed innovative partnerships with the private sector, investors, and the state across various projects to promote energy efficiency and increase the share of renewable energy. As these projects are expanded or emulated, they may help …

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Building on the climate successes of 2015
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Paris climate talks: This could be the start of something big
Key Insights From Stakeholders on the Clean Energy Incentive Program

In November 2015, C2ES facilitated a discussion with 25 business leaders, state and city officials, nonprofit organizations, and other experts on the Clean Power Plan’s (CPP) proposed Clean Energy Incentive Program (CEIP). The CEIP is a voluntary program to encourage …

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Before and beyond Paris: Climate action at all levels
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Maryland set to exceed its 2020 climate goal
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New business models plus public support can boost investment in EV charging