Clean Energy

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States look to “green banks” to leverage private investment in clean tech
Federal Action on Climate Change and Clean Energy

The past year of extreme heat, drought, flooding and wildfire underscores the need for stronger measures to advance clean energy, reduce carbon emissions and strengthen America’s climate resilience. With the start of a new Congress and presidential term, strong and …

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U.S. Department of Energy’s Recovery Act Investments

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) appropriated an unprecedented $90 billion to “lay the foundation for a clean energy economy of the future,” of which the U.S. Department of Energy received $35.2 billion. U.S. DOE’s appropriations have …

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An Action Plan to Integrate Plug-in Electric Vehicles with the U.S. Electrical Grid

Executive Summary Americans purchased almost 18,000 plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) in 2011, a strong first year for these transformative vehicles. Recently, private industry and government have invested valuable resources in developing, promoting, and deploying PEVs. These vehicles offer an uncommon …

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Summary of the Clean Energy Standard Act of 2012 (S.2146)

This document summarizes the Clean Energy Standard Act of 2012 of the 112th Congress, as introduced by Senator Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) on March 1, 2012. Sec. 1. Short Title. This Act may be cited as the “Clean Energy Standard Act …

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In Brief: Clean Energy Markets: Jobs and Opportunities

This brief discusses how investment in clean energy technologies will generate economic growth and create new jobs in the United States and around the globe. The United States stands to benefit from the expansion of global clean energy markets, but …

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The Case for Action: Creating a Clean Energy Future

The United States needs strong action now to reduce the risks of climate change, strengthen our energy independence, protect our national security, and create new jobs and economic opportunities. The Pew Center on Global Climate Change believes that the case …

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Economic Insights from Modeling Analyses of the American Clean Energy and Security Act

Economic models are an important tool for evaluating the potential impact of proposed legislation on our economy. This brief compares modeling analyses of the House-passed clean energy and climate bill (H.R. 2454) conducted by seven different groups including government agencies, …

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Wind and Solar Electricity: Challenges and Opportunities

Wind and solar power could become a major source of electricity for the United States, but only if the nation adopts new policies that promote renewable energy and that place a price on carbon.  The report cites figures showing that …

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A Performance Standards Approach to Reducing CO2 Emissions from Electric Power Plants

A Performance Standards Approach to Reducing CO2 Emissions from Electric Power Plants continues the series of Pew Center papers that explore strategies for addressing CO2 emissions from using coal to provide electricity. The CO2 emission performance standard policies outlined in …

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