Carbon Pricing

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Pricing carbon – What are the options?
A Carbon Tax in Broader U.S. Fiscal Reform: Design and Distributional Issues

This report examines the issues and options for designing a carbon tax in the United States. Reviewing the rationales for a carbon tax in the context of broader fiscal reform, it explores design issues, environmental benefits and the options for …

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Blog Post
Carbon trading in China: short-term experience, long-term wisdom
Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI)

The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) was the first mandatory cap-and-trade program in the United States to limit carbon dioxide (CO2) from the power sector. It consists of Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, and …

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Carbon Forum North America 2013
Blog Post
Update on social cost of carbon was overdue
Blog Post
Conservatives debate a carbon tax
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Clean Energy Steps: Necessary but not sufficient for climate action
Fine-tuning the carbon market

Letter to the Editor The Washington Post Published May 9, 2013 Regarding the May 6 front-page article “Europe’s carbon market goes bust”: In evaluating Europe’s cap-and-trade system, it’s important to distinguish means (a carbon price) from ends (carbon reductions). Europe’s …

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Small steps now, or big solutions? Both.