Carbon Pricing

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Addressing California cap and trade concerns
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Two ways to help cities finance climate action
Carbon trading under the Clean Power Plan

The following article appeared in the July 2016 issue of EM, the Magazine for Environmental Managers.   The Clean Power Plan gives states the option to include carbon trading provisions in their state implementation plans. This carbon trading can come in …

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Canada, Mexico, US should collaborate on climate
Policy Considerations for Emerging Carbon Programs

With climate action gaining momentum around the country, policymakers at the city, state, and federal level are all considering policy tools they can use to achieve their goals. Many market-based options exist that can deliver differing co-benefits. Discussions and collaboration …

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City-level Climate Leadership in Boulder: The Climate Action Plan Tax

Cities across the United States are using a range of policy options to achieve their climate mitigation goals. One example is Boulder, Colorado, which has a long history of taking climate action, and is using a market-based approach to both …

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California-Quebec auction hits a record low (and that’s probably a good thing)
Secondary Carbon Markets

Many state regulators are considering carbon trading as a compliance option with the Clean Power Plan. An important part of carbon trading is the secondary carbon market—the market among private sector buyers and sellers that arises to provide more efficient …

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Climate agreement signals to business to invest, innovate
Blog Post
Maryland set to exceed its 2020 climate goal