Carbon Pricing

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A quick dive into candidate climate plans
State of World Carbon Pricing

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Finding our North Star: Congressional carbon-pricing proposals
Carbon Pricing Proposals in the 115th Congress

Carbon pricing offers a cost-effective way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Ten states are already pricing carbon, and a number of states are considering similar action. This fact sheet summarizes and compares nine carbon pricing proposals introduced in the 115th …

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Blog Post
Carbon Neutrality: 7 Strategies for Success
Solutions for Maintaining the Existing Nuclear Fleet

Nuclear power is responsible for around 20 percent of U.S. electricity generation and more than 50 percent of its zero-emission generation. However, these large sources of zero-emission power are being prematurely retired with respect to their operating licenses because of …

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Blog Post
City, State, Business Leaders Energized for Climate Action
Blog Post
2018 Will Belong to ‘The Climate Doers’
Status Update on RGGI and Lessons Learned on Cap and Trade
Pricing Externalities in Wholesale Power Markets