Carbon Pricing

A Cap’s in Hand

This article appeared in World Energy Book 2007.

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Market Mechanisms for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions: Lessons for California

California is currently considering legislation that would establish state-wide caps on greenhouse gas emissions. This paper is based on extensive research by the Pew Center and others on the use of market mechanisms to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It begins …

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Race to the Top: The Expanding Role of U.S. State Renewable Portfolio Standards

Since the release of our 2002 report on state-level climate activity, Greenhouse and Statehouse: The Evolving State Government Role in Climate Change, the pace of innovation and adoption has quickened. States are taking a broad range of actions that reduce …

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The Cost of U.S. Forest-based Carbon Sequestration

Most analyses to date of options for mitigating the risk of global climate change have focused on reducing emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases (GHGs). Much less attention has been given to the potential for storing (or “sequestering”) …

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Induced Technological Change and Climate Policy

Over the upcoming decades, large-scale reductions in emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) will be required to reduce the risks of global climate change.  In order to achieve this transformation, the development and diffusion of new …

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U.S. Market Consequences of Global Climate Change

Over the next century, global climate change is likely to have substantial consequences for the economy of the United States and the welfare of its citizens. As scientists work to narrow remaining uncertainties about the magnitude and timing of future …

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Emissions Trading in the U.S.: Experience, Lessons, and Considerations for Greenhouse Gases

In recent years, emissions trading has become an important element of programs to control air pollution. Experience indicates that an emissions trading program, if designed and implemented effectively, can achieve environmental goals faster and at lower costs than traditional command-and-control …

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The Emerging International Greenhouse Gas Market

As businesses, policy-makers, and other stakeholders around the world have become familiar with greenhouse gas emissions trading, it has emerged as the policy of choice to address climate change. Now—with the recent agreements in Bonn and Marrakech, with new carbon …

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Discounting the Benefits of Climate Change Mitigation: How Much Do Uncertain Rates Increase Valuations?

How do we compare the costs of greenhouse gas mitigation measures taken today with the benefits produced by these actions in the future? How do we calculate the value of an investment when benefits will continue to accrue over centuries? …

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Worker Transition & Global Climate Change

A Pew Center report series on the economics of climate change has identified ways in which economic modeling can more reliably project the costs of greenhouse gas reduction policies. These studies show that better model design — for instance, more …

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