Carbon Pricing

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Allowance Allocation

This policy brief outlines various options for distributing greenhouse gas emission allowances under a cap-and-trade program. Allowances represent a significant source of value and can be used to compensate firms or individuals affected by climate change policy or to raise …

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Tax Policies to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

This brief outlines the motivation for and key features of a tax designed to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs). The two most commonly discussed market-based instruments for reducing GHG emissions are a cap-andtrade system and a GHG (carbon) tax. …

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Ensuring Offset Quality

This paper aims to provide policymakers with practical recommendations regarding the integration of greenhouse gas (GHG) offsets into emerging regulatory systems. Offsets have an important role to play in controlling the costs associated with regulating and reducing GHGs, and in …

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Economic Costs of a Market-based Climate Policy

Effort to develop a mandatory climate policy is accelerating and it seems likely that a national market-based strategy for dealing with climate change is on the near term horizon. Key provisions are likely to include a cap on selected greenhouse …

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Insights from Modeling Analyses of the Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act

Models only provide a simplified view of our economy. In the case of the Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act (S.2191), models can capture many of the key policy elements (e.g., the impacts of targets, timing, and offsets) but cannot incorporate all …

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The European Union’s Emissions Trading System in Perspective

To meet its obligations to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations under the Kyoto Protocol, the European Union (EU) established the first cap-and-trade system for carbon dioxide emissions in the world starting in 2005. Proposed in October 2001, the EU’s Emissions …

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Economic Models Provide Insights Not Numbers

Economic models establish a logical and consistent framework for considering the implications of different policies, and have been extensively used to evaluate the consequences of different policy choices for addressing global climate change. But it is important to understand both …

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State-Level Economic Impacts of a National Climate Change Policy

In response to environmental impacts associated with climate change, policies are being crafted to curb the growth in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. European nations are already engaged in reducing emissions through the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU-ETS) as a …

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Sectoral Approaches for a Post-2012 International Climate Framework – Background Note

Since climate change first emerged as an international issue in the late 1980s, a recurring policy question has been whether to address it on a comprehensive or a sector-by-sector basis. In recent years, sectoral approaches have received renewed attention and …

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Designing A Cap-and-Trade Program for the Midwest

The Greenhouse Gas Accord announced by ten Midwestern governors in November 2007 involves nearly one fourth of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions in a regional agreement to improve energy security and design a greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction program. Among the strategies …

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