Carbon Capture

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The new coal plant standard
U.S. Department of Energy Investment in Carbon, Capture and Storage

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) oversees federal efforts to advance the deployment carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology. In addition to working on the research and development of CCS component technologies, DOE has provided financial support to multiple commercial-scale …

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State Policy Actions to Overcome Barriers to Carbon Capture and Sequestration and Enhanced Oil Recovery

The development of Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) and Enhanced Oil Recovery with Carbon Dioxide (CO2-EOR) projects faces a wide range of barriers, but state-level policy can help overcome many of these challenges. In addition to establishing a regulatory framework …

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Blog Post
Headwinds for coal
Blog Post
Carbon capture and storage is working, but we’ll need to do more
Blog Post
Redrawing the energy-climate map
Blog Post
Clean Energy Steps: Necessary but not sufficient for climate action
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Oil sands up close
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An energy solution with true bipartisan support
NEORI Report Methodology

Summary The Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES) and the Great Plains Institute (GPI) conducted an analysis, with extensive input from the participants of National Enhanced Oil Recovery Initiative (NEORI), to inform NEORI’s recommendations for a federal production tax …

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