Carbon Capture

U.S. State Energy Financial Incentives for CCS

Many states encourage the development of projects to capture carbon from point sources such as coal and gas fired power plants and ethanol plants. Once captured, the carbon dioxide (CO2) may be transported via pipeline for geologic storage in a …

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How about using that captured carbon?
CO2 Utilization: A Look Ahead

This article appeared in the December 2016 edition of Carbon Capture Journal Introduction Finding ways to convert carbon dioxide from an energy and industrial sector waste product to a useful commodity could spur the development of new technologies, products, and …

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Exceeding Expectations: Recent developments in U.S. Carbon Capture Policy

A version of this article first appeared in the Sep./Oct. 2016 edition of the Carbon Capture Journal Introduction Even in an election year, there are areas of energy policy where leaders of both parties and stakeholders from diverse sectors of …

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Solutions Forum Webinar: Financing Carbon Capture Technology – Corporate Partners Lead the Way
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Putting carbon capture technology in context
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Exciting year for carbon capture technology
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Energy innovation can help power the nation
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Canada, Mexico, US should collaborate on climate
Blog Post
Leaders focus on policy parity for carbon capture technology