Carbon Capture

Carbon Capture: A Pathway for Meeting Pennsylvania’s Environmental and Economic Goals
Direct Air Capture: A Guide to Private Sector Planning
Progress in Deploying Advanced Clean Energy Technology
Blog Post
A New Zero Emission Coalition?
Opportunities for American Leadership

This article first appeared in the Women’s Council on Energy & the Environment journal, The Current, 2017 Q2 edition. Read the original post here. Leaders of both parties agree that we need to invest in American infrastructure, in part to …

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Storing CO2 Emissions: Untapped Potential for Carbon Utilization

The following was published Dec. 4, 2017 in R&D Magazine. Read the original post here. Looking toward the second half of this century, innovative ways to achieve net zero carbon emissions will be needed to stave off the worst impacts …

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Overview: Technology
Blog Post
From SunShot to a Carbon Capture Moonshot
Live Event
State of the Art: Innovations in CO2 Capture and Use
Blog Post
Bipartisan support grows for carbon capture