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Business and government start preparing for climate impacts
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Capturing CO2 Emissions to Produce Domestic Oil: NEORI and CO2-EOR’s Unique Solution
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2012 Climate Leadership Conference
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Low-Carbon Innovation for a Strong Defense
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The Business Behind Low-Carbon Solutions
Business of Innovating: Bringing Low-Carbon Solutions to Market

Climate change—and efforts to mitigate it—are creating an increasingly uncertain future for businesses. The long-term effects of a warming climate are enormously difficult to predict. In the near term, however, new policies, technologies, and market preferences are already altering the …

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In Brief: Clean Energy Markets: Jobs and Opportunities

This brief discusses how investment in clean energy technologies will generate economic growth and create new jobs in the United States and around the globe. The United States stands to benefit from the expansion of global clean energy markets, but …

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In Brief: The Business Case for Climate Legislation

Introduction In recent years, leading businesses have emerged as some of the strongest advocates for passage of national climate and energy legislation that mandates reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. While many have cheered this business engagement, others have been …

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Addressing Competitiveness in U.S. Climate Change Policy

This brief examines policy options for addressing competitiveness concerns arising from the establishment of a mandatory domestic program to limit greenhouse gas emissions. These concerns center on energy-intensive industries that compete globally and could face higher costs under a domestic …

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Adapting to Climate Change: A Business Approach

This report outlines a sensible business approach to analyzing and adapting to the physical risks of climate change. It focuses on a critical first step in assessing these climate impacts: understanding the potential risks to business and the importance of …

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