Stephanie Gagnon Rodriguez

Senior Manager for Regional Programs, Center for Climate and Energy Solutions

Stephanie Gagnon Rodriguez is Manager for Regional Programs at the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES). She manages the regional roundtable program and supports C2ES’s low-carbon economic development work.

Prior to this role, she supported transportation decarbonization policy at C2ES, including through ZEV Clips of the Week. Before joining C2ES, Ms. Gagnon Rodriguez worked for the National Wildlife Federation, supporting digital fundraising and advocacy goals and consulting for the Offshore Wind Energy Campaign. She also spent five years writing about U.S. climate change policy through the Climate Scorecard Project.

Ms. Gagnon Rodriguez holds an M.A. in international relations and environmental policy from Boston University and a B.A. in international development studies and German language and literature from McGill University.

Posts by Stephanie Gagnon Rodriguez

Blog Post
Michigan hits the accelerator on EV workforce development
Energizing the Future Mobility Workforce in Michigan

Recent momentum in the electric vehicle and battery sectors—driven largely by federal investments through the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021—has led to significant investments in new production and assembly facilities in …

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Blog Post
Investing in long duration energy storage could take Virginia’s energy transition to new peaks
Creating a Circular Economy for Critical Materials in Ohio

Global demand for electric vehicles is expected to continue growing in the coming decades. With that, demand for critical materials like lithium, manganese, copper, silicon, and others is set to rise significantly. Recent electric vehicle battery and recycling investments in …

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Blog Post
Coordination, leadership, and inclusivity are crucial to building out an EV workforce in Michigan
Blog Post
EV battery investments rev up Ohio’s interest in recycling
Blog Post
Minnesota grows interest in low-carbon fuels
Firing Up Clean Hydrogen in Texas

As a global energy leader and the ninth-largest economy in the world, Texas is well-positioned to play a leading role in hydrogen market development in the United States and globally. Texas has unique local characteristics that may enhance the state’s …

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Setting the Stage for Direct Air Capture in Wyoming

Both public and private sector actors are increasingly interested in direct air capture (DAC) and other carbon management technologies, driven in part by increased ambition of companies’ carbon management commitments and significantly increased federal incentives for deployment. This has significant …

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Securing Louisiana’s Role in the Offshore Wind Industry

Decades of experience in offshore energy have positioned Louisiana to play a significant role in growing the U.S. offshore wind industry. Louisiana’s workforce and expertise can be leveraged to facilitate wind projects in the Gulf of Mexico, as well as …

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Blog Post
DAC Captures Wyoming’s Imagination
Enhancing Climate Resilience and Economic Development in Southeast Florida

In southeastern Florida, Miami, and the surrounding region are considered “ground zero” for climate impacts in the continental United States, experiencing the first and worst impacts of climate change so far. Without both strong climate resilience measures to prepare for …

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Blog Post
Falling medium- and heavy-duty vehicle emissions ahead
Spinning the Mid-Atlantic Offshore Wind Industry into Economic Opportunity

Virginia, Maryland, and North Carolina are on the cusp of entry into the U.S. offshore wind market. In Virginia, the first offshore wind turbines in federal waters symbolize the potential for a thriving clean-energy industry that could bring the region …

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Clearing Roadblocks for Zero-Emission Medium- and Heavy-Duty Transportation

Medium- and heavy-duty (MHD) vehicles are outsized contributors to the transportation sector’s emissions of carbon dioxide and other air pollutants. While most MHD vehicles currently run on diesel, zero-emission battery and hydrogen fuel cell options are becoming more available. Although …

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Accelerating Vehicle Electrification in Michigan

The public and private sectors in Michigan are aligned behind goals of building out electric vehicle charging infrastructure and supporting consumer purchases of electric vehicles. Yet at the local level, physical and regulatory infrastructure build-out is only just beginning and …

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Blog Post
Electric vehicle ads go mainstream at the Super Bowl
Blog Post
Build Back Better for Climate and Energy
Blog Post
Driving demand, charging up the job market: The benefits of decarbonized transportation
Investing in West Virginia’s Future: Aligning Climate and Economic Development

The Center for Climate and Energy Solutions is hosting a series of regional roundtables to bring together local, state, and federal policymakers; businesses of all sizes; community organizations; leading academics and issue experts; trade associations; investors; and philanthropy. These conversations …

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Blog Post
Where there’s a Will, there’s a Norway
Blog Post
Seizing opportunities to benefit both the economy and the climate
Blog Post
How to teach climate change to kids at home
Blog Post
10 things you can do this Leap Day to maximize your climate impact