Nat Keohane

President, Center for Climate and Energy Solutions

Nathaniel Keohane is President of the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES), which is widely recognized in the United States and internationally as a leading, independent voice for practical policy and action to address the world’s energy and climate challenges.

Dr. Keohane is an economist with more than 20 years of energy and environmental policy experience in academia, government, and the non-profit sector, most recently as Senior Vice President for Climate with the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), where he led all of EDF’s climate work in the United States and globally. In 2011-2012, Keohane served in the White House as Special Assistant to the President for Energy and Environment in the National Economic Council and Domestic Policy Council, helping to shape administration policy on energy and environmental issues. He previously directed economic policy and analysis at EDF, working to enact comprehensive cap-and-trade legislation in Congress.

From 2001-2008, Dr. Keohane was an Assistant and then Associate Professor of Economics at the Yale School of Management. He received a Ph.D. from Harvard University and a B.A. from Yale College.

Posts by Nat Keohane

Carbon Border Adjustment Provisions in the 118th Congress

Carbon border adjustment mechanisms (CBAM) are an emerging set of trade policy tools that aim to prevent carbon-intensive economic activity from moving out of jurisdictions with relatively stringent climate policies and into those with relatively less stringent policies. Border adjustments …

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Blog Post
In-value-chain credits: How a new twist could help companies meet climate targets and fill the finance gap
Blog Post
The Biden Administration weighs in on voluntary carbon markets
Blog Post
A Sign-Off from COP28
Blog Post
How will 2023 stack up? 6 climate trends to watch
Blog Post
COP27: The pivot to implementation and the private sector’s role
What does the COP26 Outcome on Article 6 Mean for Non-Party Stakeholders?

Article 6 of the Paris Agreement established a framework for countries to cooperate in achieving their climate commitments (nationally determined contributions, NDCs), using market mechanisms to enable greater ambition than they could achieve independently. The Paris Agreement implementing guidance finalized …

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Blog Post
Great news for the climate and clean energy, but much work remains to be done
Blog Post
The rise of carbon-based trade policy
Carbon Border Adjustments: Considerations for Policymakers

Carbon border adjustments, also referred to as “carbon border adjustment mechanisms” (CBAM), are an emerging set of trade policy tools that aim to prevent carbon-intensive economic activity from moving out of jurisdictions with relatively stringent climate policies and into those …

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Blog Post
The IPCC’s latest: As climate damages ramp up, the window of opportunity to adapt is closing fast
Blog Post
Year in Preview: Setting the stage for progress in 2022
Blog Post
Build Back Better for Climate and Energy
Blog Post
A podcast: What’s Next After COP26?
Blog Post
A ‘Glasgow half-full’ view of COP26
Blog Post
How policymakers should absorb the IPCC’s latest warning