Lavanya Rajamani

Posts by Lavanya Rajamani

Re-invigorating the UN Climate Regime in the Wider Landscape of Climate Action

Parties will complete the first global stocktake (GST) under the Paris Agreement in 2023, presenting an important opportunity to reflect more widely on the UN climate regime (the regime). The world is a very different place from when the Paris …

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Reinvigorating the UN Climate Regime in the wider landscape of climate action

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Designing a Meaningful Global Stocktake

The first global stocktake (GST) under the Paris Agreement takes place from 2021–23 and serves as the first official checkpoint to assess Parties’ collective progress on climate action. This brief investigates how the GST, within the constraints of the United …

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General Issues in Elaborating the Paris Agreement

The Paris Agreement establishes a new multilateral architecture guiding countries’ climate change efforts under the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Parties are currently negotiating more detailed rules and procedures for implementing the agreement, including provisions addressing transparency, accounting, …

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Elaborating the Paris Agreement: Implementation and Compliance

Article 15 of the Paris Agreement establishes a mechanism to facilitate implementation of and promote compliance with the provisions of the Paris Agreement. Along with the global stocktake and the transparency framework, this mechanism provides a means of assessing and …

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Structuring the UNFCCC 2018 Facilitative Dialogue

A key driver of ambition envisioned in the Paris package is a “facilitative dialogue” among parties in 2018. This dialogue is mandated to take stock of the collective efforts of parties toward the long-term goal set out in Article 4.1, …

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Key Legal Issues in a 2015 Climate Agreement

In fashioning the new international climate change agreement to be adopted later this year in Paris, parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)1 must address a range of legal issues. This brief outlines some of the …

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Differentiation in a 2015 Climate Agreement

A central issue in the ongoing negotiations towards a new international climate change agreement this year in Paris is how the agreement will differentiate obligations among developed and developing countries. Differentiation among parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on …

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