Statement of Nathaniel Keohane
President, Center for Climate and Energy Solutions
August 26, 2022
On California’s newly approved rule requiring 100 percent new zero emission vehicle sales by 2035:
“We applaud California’s climate leadership in establishing a requirement for 100 percent of new cars sold in the state to be zero-emissions vehicles by 2035. Thanks to Governor Newsom, the California Air Resource Board, and advocates statewide, California has now sped to the front of the pack in the global effort to accelerate the transition to a net-zero economy. California’s action can also pave the way for matching ZEV targets around the country, potentially extending to the 17 states and the District of Columbia that follow California’s auto emissions standards and collectively rack up 40 percent of American passenger vehicle sales.
“While this ambitious target will play a key role in transforming the vehicle market and making our nation’s transportation system carbon-free, achieving it will also require complementary policies and actions, such as building out charging and refueling infrastructure; expanding accessibility and affordability of ZEVs; and supporting domestic manufacturing capacity of electric vehicles, including through securing the supply of critical minerals used in batteries and other clean-energy technologies. The Inflation Reduction Act offers a major push in funding support, but implementing these programs most effectively will be key to meeting our targets.”