After a year’s delay to COP26 due to COVID-19, governments will aim to make up for lost time, elevate global ambition and complete the Paris Agreement’s implementation guidance. Much attention will focus on prospects for staying within the Paris Agreement temperature limit of 1.5 degrees Celsius, and delivery on the promise of developed countries to mobilize $100 billion per year in climate finance for poorer countries.
Following the United States re-entry into the Paris Agreement as Joe Biden took office in January, the U.S. delegation will be focused on bringing to Glasgow a credible down payment on the nationally determined contribution (NDC) announced in April and pushing other major economies that are yet to do so to come forward with a more ambitious NDC.
C2ES President Nat Keohane and Vice President for International Strategies Kaveh Guilanpour, on a Zoom presentation for media, share insights on key questions, including:
- What would success at COP26 look like?
- How much does U.S. re-engagement signal greater global ambition?
- Can the United States deliver on its NDC?
- How could congressional inaction affect the U.S. delegation’s reception at COP26?

Nat Keohane
President, Center for Climate and Energy Solutions
Nathaniel Keohane is President of the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES), which is widely recognized in the United States and internationally as a leading, independent voice for practical policy and action to address the world’s energy and climate challenges. Dr. Keohane is an economist with more than 20 years…

Kaveh Guilanpour
Vice President for International Strategies, Center for Climate and Energy Solutions
Kaveh Guilanpour is the Vice President for International Strategies at the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, overseeing the international aspects of the work of C2ES including in relation to the United Nations negotiations process. Mr. Guilanpour has worked in the environmental sector in policy and legal roles for more…