Sponsored by the Georgetown Climate Center and the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES)
U.S. governors have assumed the mantle of climate leadership. This session will feature governors and other senior officials who will share their leading efforts to curb emissions, prepare for climate impacts, and work together in new alliances across states, sectors and regions.
Vicki Arroyo
Executive Director, Georgetown Climate Center
Elliot Diringer
Executive Vice President, Center for Climate and Energy Solutions
Gov. Jay Inslee
Panel Discussion
Katie Theoharides
Assistant Secretary of Climate Change, Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs
Ben Grumbles
Secretary, Maryland Department of the Environment
Jared Snyder
Deputy Commissioner, Office of Air Resources, Climate Change and Energy, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Taryn Finnessey
Senior Climate Change Specialist, Colorado Department of Natural Resources