American Views on Climate and Trade Policy: Polling Insights and Policy Implications

One of the many tools that policymakers can use to address climate change is trade policy. Elected officials on both sides of the aisle have shown increased interest in developing policy that takes greenhouse gas emissions into account—like a tariff on foreign-produced goods with a higher greenhouse gas footprint than similar, domestically produced goods. This approach is reflected in current proposals introduced in Congress, and in actions under the Biden Administration. But what does the average American voter think?

In this public forum, Christopher Borick, Director of the Muhlenberg College Institute of Public Opinion, will unveil new polling data on public attitudes toward climate-oriented trade policies. After a review of the poll and analysis, a panel of thought leaders will share their perspectives on what these results mean for the future of carbon/trade policies.

Introduction by

Nat Keohane
President, Center for Climate and Energy Solutions

Nathaniel Keohane is President of the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES), which is widely recognized in the United States and internationally as a leading, independent voice for practical policy and action to address the world’s energy and climate challenges. Dr. Keohane is an economist with more than 20 years…

Fireside Chat

Christopher Borick
Professor of Political Science; Director, Muhlenberg College Institute of Public Opinion | Muhlenberg College

Dr. Christopher P. Borick is a Professor of Political Science and Director of the Muhlenberg College Institute of Public Opinion. He is a nationally recognized public opinion researcher who has conducted over 400 large-scale public opinion surveys during the past quarter century. The results of these surveys have regularly appeared…

Barry Rabe
J. Ira and Nicki Harris Family Professor of Public Policy; Arthur F. Thurnau Professor; Professor of Environmental Policy; Professor of Political Science; Professor of the Environment | University of Michigan Ford School

Barry Rabe is a political scientist who examines the political feasibility, durability, and performance of climate policies in the United States, Canada, and other federal or multi-level systems of government. He is the Harris Family Chair of Public Policy at the Gerald Ford School of Public Policy at the University…