What are Investable NDCs? (Discussion Paper)

Parties are expected to communicate new nationally determined contributions (NDCs) by February 10, 2025, with an end date of 2035. Although many first and second-round NDCs were designed to attract investment, they did not deliver the results that many hoped for in that regard. As Parties prepare to submit their next round of NDCs, the question of how they can make their NDCs “investable” is once again gaining attention, including at the political level. Recognizing that differentiated national circumstances impact the methods most appropriate for each Party to design their NDCs, this paper considers good practice for attracting investment to accelerate implementation. 

Parties will revisit guidance for NDC features at the sixth session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA6) in November 2024. To explore NDC features, potential challenges related to upcoming negotiations on NDC features, considerations for further guidance, and normative requirements for NDCs, please see the paper Features and Normative Requirements for Nationally Determined Contributions: Technical Paper.