US Federal

To meet the climate challenge, the United States needs a comprehensive national approach. Well-designed federal policy can cut emissions and strengthen resilience while driving economic growth.

Op-Ed: The Climate Challenge Begins at Home

Opinion Editorial The Climate Challenge Begins at Home The Washington Post   Now that the rest of the world has resolved to move ahead with the Kyoto global warming treaty, pressure is mounting on the Bush administration to get back …

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Op-Ed: Foes of Global Warming Could Thank George Bush

Opinion Editorial Foes of Global Warming Could Thank George Bush San Francisco Chronicle Suddenly, things are looking up in the fight against global warming. While the United States may want nothing to do with the Kyoto Protocol, the rest of …

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Appliances and Global Climate Change: Increasing Consumer Participation in Reducing Greenhouse Gases

It makes a big difference which home appliances U.S. consumers buy. Residential electricity consumption — much of it from major home appliances — accounts for about one fifth of U.S. energy-related greenhouse gas emissions. New energy-efficient appliance models that use …

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An Overview of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Issues

At a Pew Center conference on Early Action held in September 1999, DuPont announced plans to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions 65 percent from 1990 levels by 2010. BP Amoco intends to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 10 percent of …

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Early Action & Global Climate Change: An Analysis of Early Action Crediting Proposals

The challenge of our generation will be addressing climate change while sustaining a growing economy. We need to take concrete actions to reduce emissions, both here and abroad. The sooner we begin, the more likely we are to succeed in …

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