In Brief: Clean Energy Markets: Jobs and Opportunities
This brief discusses how investment in clean energy technologies will generate economic growth and create new jobs in the United States and around the globe. The United States stands to benefit from the expansion of global clean energy markets, but …
International Climate Assistance
The United States and other developed countries provide assistance to developing countries to help them reduce greenhouse gas emissions, by protecting forests and deploying clean technologies, and to help them adapt to the impacts of climate change. In FY 2010, …
C2ES Responses to the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee CES White Paper
This document contains our responses to the questions posted by Sens. Bingaman and Murkowski in their recently released white paper on a clean energy standard (CES). Based on the instruction from the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee for submittals, …
GHG New Source Performance Standards for the Power Sector: Options for EPA and the States
On March 17, 2011, the Center prepared this document to inform EPA’s development of greenhouse gas standards for fossil fuel-fired power plants (Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OAR-2011-0090). This document explores market-oriented approaches for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from electricity generation under …
Saving Oil and Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions through U.S. Federal Transportation Policy
The United States consumes over 10 million barrels of oil per day moving people and goods on roads and rail throughout the country. Surface transportation generates over 23 percent of U.S. anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Transportation is the primary …
Meaningful and Cost Effective Climate Policy: The Case for Cap and Trade
There is broad consensus among those engaged in climate policy analysis—from academia, government, NGOs, and industry—that any domestic climate policy should include, at its core, market-based policy instruments targeting greenhouse gas (GHGs) emissions, because no other approach can do the …
U.S. Agriculture & Climate Change Legislation: Markets, Myths & Opportunities
Any climate and energy legislation will impact U.S. farmers and ranchers, and this paper examines the many legitimate concerns the agriculture sector has with such legislation. There have been a large number of economic analyses, modeling exercises, and reports published …
Major Climate and Energy Proposals in the 111th Congress
In June 2009, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a comprehensive climate and energy bill, the American Clean Energy and Security Act (H.R. 2454). The U.S. Senate has been considering a number of related proposals, ranging from “energy only” bills, …
The Growth of Clean Energy Industries through Climate Legislation
In the design of clean energy and climate legislation, careful attention is required to make sure competitiveness impacts—both positive and negative—on U.S. manufacturing firms are fully considered. Much of the attention to date has focused on seeking ways to avoid …