Domestic Policies to Reduce the Near-Term Risks of Climate Change
Recent extreme weather events across the nation have sounded the alarm that climate change is happening here and now—it can no longer be dismissed as a long-term problem requiring only a long-term solution. Because of their relatively short atmospheric lifetimes …
Blog Post
Obama makes the case. What comes next?
Federal Action on Climate Change and Clean Energy
The past year of extreme heat, drought, flooding and wildfire underscores the need for stronger measures to advance clean energy, reduce carbon emissions and strengthen America’s climate resilience. With the start of a new Congress and presidential term, strong and …
Summary of the Climate Protection Act of 2013 (S.332)
The Climate Protection Act would impose a “carbon pollution fee” on any manufacturer, producer, or importer of a “carbon polluting substance.” (Imports from countries with equivalent carbon measures would be exempt.) The sponsors anticipate that the fee would be paid …
U.S. Department of Energy’s Recovery Act Investments
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) appropriated an unprecedented $90 billion to “lay the foundation for a clean energy economy of the future,” of which the U.S. Department of Energy received $35.2 billion. U.S. DOE’s appropriations have …
The U.S. must stick to its pledge to cut greenhouse gases
Letter to the Editor The Washington Post Published December 6, 2012 Regarding the Dec. 4 editorial “The heat is on in Doha”: Much as we would like it to be true, it is premature to assert, as the editorial board …