Projecting and Accelerating U.S. Greenhouse Gas Reductions
More than 190 nations representing more than 95 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions offered “nationally determined contributions” (NDCs) to the Paris Agreement reached in December 2015. The NDC submitted by the Obama administration on behalf of the United States …
Interconnected: Canadian and U.S. Electricity
The U.S. and Canadian electric power grids are connected through 37 major transmission lines from New England to the Pacific Northwest. The interconnected North American power grid provides numerous benefits for Canada and the United States, including enhanced electric reliability, …
Insights from a Comparative Analysis of Clean Power Plan Modeling
An updated context, including falling natural gas prices and the extension of federal tax credits, have prompted new modeling of the likely impacts of the Clean Power Plan. Five studies have recently been released analyzing the projected effects of the …
Achieving the United States’ Intended Nationally Determined Contribution
More than 180 nations representing more than 95 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions offered “intended nationally determined contributions” (INDCs) to the Paris Agreement reached in December 2015. The United States’ INDC is an economy-wide target to reduce net greenhouse …