
In the absence of stronger federal leadership, many states are enacting their own climate goals and policies. They serve as laboratories, demonstrating what's effective and informing national policy.

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California leads the way on climate action
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Mixed results for clean energy in state elections
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Joint ICAP/NA2050 Public Workshop: Developing Industrial Benchmarks
Impacts and Adaptation Options in the Gulf Coast

Introduction The central and western U.S. Gulf Coast is increasingly vulnerable to a range of potential hazards associated with climate change. Hurricanes are high-profile hazards that threaten this region with strong winds, heavy rain, storm surge and high waves. Sea-level rise is a longer-term hazard …

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Capturing CO2 Emissions to Produce Domestic Oil: NEORI and CO2-EOR’s Unique Solution
Toward a Constructive Dialogue on Federal and State Roles in U.S. Climate Change Policy

In the United States to date, most of the first genuine steps toward addressing the challenge of climate change have taken place at the state level.1 Many states have proceeded in a meaningful, comprehensive fashion while the federal government struggles …

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Designing A Cap-and-Trade Program for the Midwest

The Greenhouse Gas Accord announced by ten Midwestern governors in November 2007 involves nearly one fourth of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions in a regional agreement to improve energy security and design a greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction program. Among the strategies …

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Capturing the Emerging Market for Climate-Friendly Technologies: Opportunities for Ohio

Increasing certainty that humans are changing the earth’s climate through emissions of greenhouse gases is creating a new market for climate-friendly products and services. As states and nations begin to address climate change by regulating greenhouse gas emissions and encouraging …

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Market Mechanisms for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions: Lessons for California

California is currently considering legislation that would establish state-wide caps on greenhouse gas emissions. This paper is based on extensive research by the Pew Center and others on the use of market mechanisms to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It begins …

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Greenhouse & Statehouse: The Evolving State Government Role in Climate Change

The current level of state activity surrounding the issue of climate change is striking. Measures that have proven controversial at the federal level, such as renewable portfolio standards and mandatory reporting of greenhouse gas emissions, have been implemented at the …

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