
In the absence of stronger federal leadership, many states are enacting their own climate goals and policies. They serve as laboratories, demonstrating what's effective and informing national policy.

Webinar 1: Water for Energy and Energy for Water: Challenges and Opportunities for Utilities
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States look to “green banks” to leverage private investment in clean tech
Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI)

The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) was the first mandatory cap-and-trade program in the United States to limit carbon dioxide (CO2) from the power sector. It consists of Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, and …

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States will need coordination, creativity to meet electric vehicle goal
State Policy Actions to Overcome Barriers to Carbon Capture and Sequestration and Enhanced Oil Recovery

The development of Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) and Enhanced Oil Recovery with Carbon Dioxide (CO2-EOR) projects faces a wide range of barriers, but state-level policy can help overcome many of these challenges. In addition to establishing a regulatory framework …

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Key Considerations for Industrial Benchmarking in Theory and Practice

The industrial sector is responsible for 20 percent of the nation’s energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Benchmarking is used in a variety of applications to improve the efficiency of industrial facilities and therefore bring emissions down. In this context, …

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On-Bill Financing: Encouraging Energy Efficiency

Buildings account for 41 percent of the United States’ primary energy consumption. One generally cost-effective way to decrease buildings’ energy consumption is by improving building efficiency. However, the high up-front cost of efficiency improvements is often a barrier. To address …

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The return of reality-based governing?
Blog Post
RGGI changes help both the environment and business
Blog Post
Linking emissions trading programs can advance climate policy