
In the absence of stronger federal leadership, many states are enacting their own climate goals and policies. They serve as laboratories, demonstrating what's effective and informing national policy.

Enhancing Climate Resilience and Economic Development in Southeast Florida

In southeastern Florida, Miami, and the surrounding region are considered “ground zero” for climate impacts in the continental United States, experiencing the first and worst impacts of climate change so far. Without both strong climate resilience measures to prepare for …

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Manufacturing a Decarbonized Future in Southwestern Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania is called the Keystone State for a reason: For centuries, the state—and Southwestern Pennsylvania, in particular—has been critical to producing the energy and goods that helped build the nation, including coal, steel, aluminum, and glass. The heavy industrial and …

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A gust of momentum for offshore wind in Louisiana?
Decarbonizing Louisiana’s Industrial Sector: Community-Centric Approaches

As a state that has long been a hub for difficult-to-decarbonize industries, Louisiana has a particularly challenging path to full decarbonization. At the same time, addressing climate change is imperative in a state that is uniquely vulnerable to climate-fueled sea …

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Spinning the Mid-Atlantic Offshore Wind Industry into Economic Opportunity

Virginia, Maryland, and North Carolina are on the cusp of entry into the U.S. offshore wind market. In Virginia, the first offshore wind turbines in federal waters symbolize the potential for a thriving clean-energy industry that could bring the region …

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Accelerating Vehicle Electrification in Michigan

The public and private sectors in Michigan are aligned behind goals of building out electric vehicle charging infrastructure and supporting consumer purchases of electric vehicles. Yet at the local level, physical and regulatory infrastructure build-out is only just beginning and …

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Major companies invest in building local climate resilience
U.S. State Greenhouse Gas Emissions Targets

A greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions target is a state-level goal to reduce emissions by a specific amount by a pre-determined date. The targets can cover all greenhouse gas emissions or specific gases (e.g., carbon dioxide only). The targets can be …

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U.S. State Clean Vehicle Policies and Incentives

The transportation sector became the largest source of U.S. greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 2016. Driven by increased travel demand, low fuel prices, and urban sprawl, transportation emissions grew about 23 percent between 1990 to 2019. To change this trajectory, …

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In Utah, hydrogen offers promise, but barriers remain